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Jaures  Alfyorov (scientists)

The  2000  Nobel  Prize  for  physics  went  to  Jaures  Alfyorov,  a  Russian scientist,  vice  president  of  the  Russian  Academy  of  Sciences  and  director  of the  St.Petersburg–based  Ioffe  Institute  of Physics  and  Engineering.  He  shared  the  prize with two Americans: Herbert Kromer and Jack Kilby.  The Swedish   Royal  Academy  of Sciences  awarded the physicists for their work in  modern  information  technology,  which,  in particular,  led  to  the  microchip,  laser  diodes, and super-fast semiconductors, mobile phones and satellite links. Due to their researchers  small  electronic  apparatuses,  anything  from  electronic  watchers  and  TV  games  to  mini-calculators  and  personal  computers,  appeared  in  our every day life. 

       Jaures Alfyorov is the eighth Soviet/Russian Nobel laureate in physics. In 1958,  Pavel  Cherenkov,  Igor  Tamm,  and  Ilya  Frank  were  awarded  the  Nobel Prize  for  discovery  and  interpretation  of  the  Cherenkov  effect.  In  1962,  the prize  went  to  Lev  Landau  for  developing  fundamental  theories  of  condensed matter,  in   particular  liquid  helium.  In  1964,  Nikolai  Basov  and  Alexander Prokhorov  shared the prize with Charles Townes for fundamental work in the sphere  of  quantum  electronics,  leading  to  maser-laser-based  generators  and amplifiers.  And  finally,  in  1978,  the  Nobel  prize  was  awarded  to  Pyotr Kapitsa,  Arno  Penzias,  and  Robert  Wilson  for  fundamental  inventions  and discoveries in low temperature physics.


Our University.

There are about 20 higher educational establishments in Cheboksary: the Chuvash State University, the Pedagogical University, the Agricultural Academy, the Cooperative Institute and the branches of Moscow and St. Petersburg higher schools.

Our University named after I.N.UIyanov was founded in 1967 on the basis of the Volga branch of Moscow Power Engineering Institute. There are 23 faculties. They are the electrical engineering, electrical power engineering, the radio engineering and electronics, the computer science, chemistry, civil engineering, economics, medicine, mathematics, physics, history, Russian philology, Chuvash philology, law, journalism, foreign languages and some other faculties.

Our University has here are various well equipped laboratories, workshops. There is library which contains over 1.35 million volumes. In the computer center students can work in the Internet free of charge.

Over 20.000 students study at the full-time, part-time and correspondence departments.

The course of study lasts 4, 5 or 6 years depending on the faculties. The first-year students study obligatory general subjects. In the third year they begin specializing in different fields, at the end of the course the students defend their graduation paper (or project) or take final examinations (degree examinations).

The academic year starts in September. It has two terms. Students take exams twice a year. Before exams they take their end-of-term tests. During the term students attend lectures, classes, seminars and write term-papers.

The University has its branches in such towns as Alatyr, Kanash and Batyrevo.

The University provides education for foreign students.

The University has a Palace of Culture which seats 1000, and a sanatorium located on the banks of the Volga River, which can accommodate 100, and includes a Rehabilitation Center and Sports Center.

There are 9 student hostels.

The Chuvash State University plays an important role in the life of the republic.



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